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the art room

​The art room is a weekly, term time art class for creative young people, based in Linlithgow. Each term we will explore a different theme through a range of art activities and projects, introducing new materials and techniques.
A small class size and an emphasis on experimentation allows the children and young people to explore and gain confidence in their own unique, artistic voice and the two hour session allows plenty of time to get to grips with a new technique or material before we dive into making a more finished piece.
There is a short break half way through for a snack and drink (provided).
We meet on Mondays at Maisie Gray Pottery Studio, St John's Church, Union Road, Linlithgow.
JUNIOR ARTISTS- 3.30-5.30 pm
Suitable for children aged 7 - 13.
With a focus on fun and discovery, there are no mistakes in the art room. We learn some techniques but the most important thing is to relax and enjoy being creative.
There are currently spaces available for the Autumn term.
Please contact me for more information and sign up or visit the Facebook page, where you can also access full details and see what we get up to each week.

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